NFC table menu display stand for restaurant and hair salon
This NFC table menu display stand is ideal for restaurants and hair salons. Equipped with an NTAG213 chip, it allows for quick linking to Google reviews or social media. The stand is made from acrylic and offers a robust and durable solution for everyday use.
Brand Name: MochuaRFID
Chip: NTAG213 (NFC Forum Type 2 Tag)
Frequency: 13.56 MHz
Protocol: ISO14443A
Storage capacity: 144 bytes
Material: Acrylic
Size: 140 x 120 mm
Reading distance: 1-5 cm
Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C
Properties: Water, acid and alkali resistant
Perfect for displaying Google reviews and integrating with social media. Program the NFC cards with the "NFC Tools" app to store URLs or other information.
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